Interglobal Shipping 3001 is a leading maritime offshore-services supplier and prosper in providing diverse services and solutions for key offshore support needs. We offer a wide range of complementary offshore services platform supply, walk-to-work, including crew transfer and subsea support, emergency response and rescue, anchor handling tug supply, and more.
A highly qualified and professional team of onboard and shore-based teams handles the full management range of our service. Our offices and vessels function to the highest safety and operational standards.
Interglobal Shipping 3001 is committed to supporting customers with the highest level of service using the best of our assets: our people and our vessels.
Our OSV is designed to carry a deep variety of cargoes that can transport substantial amounts of fuel, water, drilling fluids, cement, or mud in below-deck tanks; a spacious open deck can carry large quantities of material such as casing drill pipe and miscellaneous deck cargo.
Versatility in our services is they can be built for just about any type of project.
Our vessels and crews are skilled in performing during challenging weather conditions and can respond to any emergency.
We strive to expand our capabilities, providing high-quality services and solutions to our customers, and maintain flexible and professional organization.
Our crews and shore-based management are prepared to respond to emergencies at any time. In addition to weekly and annual emergency drills, integral parts of preparedness are Inspections and maintenance of fire fighting equipment and alarm systems, Inspection and maintenance of lifesaving equipment, Inspection and maintenance of vessel safety equipment, Shipboard and shore base emergency plans and equipment. Drills are carried out following SOLAS and the requirements of the state.
Cybersecurity is a framework to enhance our posture to meet the ever-changing digital technologies environment in the OSV sector.
«Interglobal Shipping 3001’s» cybersecurity management is in prioritizing digital technology and information system security measures across the company.
«Interglobal Shipping 3001» leverage innovative concepts and technology to monitor threats and enhance the resilience and security of their systems as well as critical infrastructure both onshore and offshore.